
test-deploy-package Codecov PyPI version

Calculating amino acid frequencies from codon design, and vice versa


pip install codino


Below gives a simple example of how to use codino. If you are interested to see how codino performs on more complicated examples, please see the example page of the documentation.

from codino.process import Converter

c = Converter()

# converting from codon design to AA frequencies
c.cd_to_aa(first = {"A": 1}, second = {"T": 1}, third = {"G": 1})
# Out: {'M': 1}

# converting from AA frequency to codon design
c.aa_to_cd(aa={'M': 1})
# Out: ({'A': 1.0}, {'T': 1.0}, {'G': 1.0})


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codino was created by David Zhang. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


codino was created with cookiecutter and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter template.